Get specific

Get specific

Once you’ve identified a cause, it’s time to find a specific organization you’d like to support.

I’ll walk you through some criteria to consider to make sure you’re considering the most important aspects.


Criteria to Consider

  • Approach & Results

    Does the organization have a disciplined and repeatable approach that has delivered impressive accomplishments over the years?

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Does there appear to be volunteer opportunities that look interesting to you? Also, would this organization be a good fit for your entire family?

  • Geography

    Is the organization located near you and/or provide services to your community?

  • Financial Health

    Is the organization financially healthy and do they effectively utilize their resources. A great resource for this insight is Charity Navigator.

  • Transparency & Accountability

    Does the organization publish information about their processes to interested stakeholders? A great resource for this insight is Charity Navigator.

  • Board Composition

    Is the board comprised of seasoned leaders from the community with a track record of guiding organizations (professional or non-profit)?

Ready to get in the game?

Let’s talk about time and money.

After advising entrepreneurs, CEOs, and other high-impact leaders for years, I recognized no matter what goal they achieved, it never seemed to be enough to deliver what they really craved – happiness, joy and contentment. I became obsessed with this question:

Does living generously deliver lasting results?